Monday, February 16, 2009

What an amazing feeling!

As most people know in my island, my wife is pregnant again! and wow! we are having a boy! ahhhhhhh!!! I am just so excited about it! and the best part is calling my boy Jordan Jr.! I cant wait to play ball with him, and teach him alot of things! hehehe... anyways i just wanted to post up feeling right now! thanks for reading my blog!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Reflections on power point/

What i learned from this power point/slide share is uploading the slide shows that i have created! it actually pretty cool! cuase people like you can view it! anyways doing this slide share/ power point was pretty easy to do. i didnt experince any technical difficualties with this work. i would use power point to show my students how an embryo is formed! withe this slide share, i really dont have it benificial to any one. i mean specificly to us saipan people. cause we really dont have to share things online. i mean we can just take one step and were there to the person we need to see. thank you for stopping and reading my blog! much love! peace!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Online slideshow software

This was a jreally fun assignment! We actually put our creative mind into it on putting pictures and other stuff.

Online slideshow software is basically an online program where you can make a slide show of your pictures. You can design on how you would like your pictures to look like.This are the sites that we have visted and used: Picture, Rock,, and photobucket. If your intrested on doing your own picture slideshows, check out this sites and you will be amazed!!!!!! thanks for stoping by and reading by blog again! much love!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Diffrient Web Base Software

Lets see,
Today at my computer class was pretty interesting with actually saw how a Web 2.0 looks like. Its basically a Web Based Software, that you can use while on the internet.
There were 5 diffirent web based software that we actually preview on.
First was the Wordbuzz, word buzz was just more of Microsoft word. The only diffreinces is your using it online!
Second was the ZOHO! Zoho is wat intrest me! because the fact the you can actually import files, send email, print, save, and also you can make a CALENDAR! lol! (marvin)....
Third was inetword, it was basically like microsoft word with steriods! lol!
The other was thinkdfree, this website actually caught my attention too! cause you can acutally send it thourgh your phone, or where every you want! like an ipod! now thats cool!
Lastly, was google docs, now this one was also okay. I say okay becasue i didnt really pay much attention to it.. sorry! if you want to know more about this site though just go to

Thats about it! thanks again for stopping by!

Here are the Web Based Software Website

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My first Menemograph

Good Afternoon!
Todays topic of my postings is MNEMOGRAPH!
Mnemograph is mainly a time line website. Its basically just a time line where you can post events and years or any type of time line you wish to put in it. Why don't you guys check out my time line its just mainly about The History of Computers. Its Just copy and paste to view it! Anyways thanks again for stoping by and reading my blogs! MUWAH! Much Love from me!

Monday, September 8, 2008

My First Blog

Good Evening!
Name is Jordan M. Jucutan. I've always hear the word BLOG and i don't even know what blog is until now. There are two different types of BLOG. One is Professional and the other is a Journal. My BLOG is the "JOURNAL" type.
This is my first BLOG that I'm doing right now and still improving on my page. I just learned about this BLOG stuff in my COMPUTER CLASS. I though it would be a pretty hard thing to do, but it just took a few steps to do it. First just register and your in! Its just as simple as that! lol!
Anyways this is it for my first posting! Thanks for stopping by and reading this!